The Open Mosque invites you and your family to a public iftar (breaking of the fast) when people of all faiths (and none) will be joining fasting Muslims on Saturday, 2nd June 2018 at 5:30 pm (please see attached flyer). The conclusion of that day’s fast will incorporate an intertwined programme of faith, food, film, prayers and a pertinent lecture on Ramadan by the nephew of the Imam Abdullah Haroun. This special function welcomes everyone regardless of belief or background.
(breaking of the fast)
Saturday, 17th Ramadan 1439 / 2nd June 2018
5:30 pm – Greeting and Seating
5:45 pm – Adhan and the Breaking of the Fast
6:00 pm – Sunset (Maghrib) Prayers
6:10 pm – Formal Welcome + Qur’anic recitation & translation
6:20 pm – First Course – Vegetable Soup + Garlic Bread + Savouries
6:30 pm – Film on Fasting – Ramadan in the North and in the South
7:30 pm – Adhan and the Night (Isha’) Prayers
7:45 pm – Buffet Dinner – main courses
8:30 pm – Shafiek Noordien talks on Rhetoric, Ritualism & Reality of Ramadan
9:00 pm – Questions & Answers
9:20 pm – Dessert + Coffee / Tea
9:45 pm – Concluding Blessings and Benedictions
10:00 pm – Event ends
Non-Muslim relatives, friends, neighbours and colleagues who might wish to fast on this particular day either in solidarity with Muslims or so that they too can experience the rigours and rewards of Ramadan first hand, are welcomed to do so. However, this is not a pre-requisite of attendance.
Since seating capacity is limited and planning logistics need to be finalised ahead of time, kindly reserve places promptly by emailing your name and the number of other guests accompanying you to: or by phoning 021-824 1400 before Friday, 1st June. Many thanks in advance.
We look forward to seeing you at 5:30 pm on Saturday, 2nd June when there will be an ideal opportunity to break bread together and to enjoy each other’s company by making new friends and truly linking with Muslims and non-Muslims to advance mutual respect, friendly interaction and genuine harmony in our deeply divided society. Inshallah / Deo Volente / God-willing.